Hardness testers

Hardness testers

Three test methods – one solution

Equotip 550 is the most versatile all-in-one solution for portable hardness testing using dynamic Leeb, Portable Rockwell, and UCI. Features such as multi-probe connectivity, custom conversion curves, customizable reports 
and data export to PC, deliver unparalleled flexibility with all three testing methods.

I. Leeb – fast and easy

Equotip 550 Leeb covers a wide range of applications of the Leeb principle, the fastest and easiest method to determine hardness, thanks to its seven different impact devices and 16 support rings. New features such as 
wizards, reporting, mapping and many more, make hardness testing even more convenient and cost-effective 
than ever before.

II. Portable Rockwell – ideal for thin or light samples

Equotip 550 Portable Rockwell is a static hardness measurement solution which is highly appreciated for applications on thin or light samples. Furthermore, it can be used on almost all materials without special adjustments, which also makes it popular to use as a reference method for other measurement principles. 
A wide variety of accessories make it a very versatile solution.

III. UCI – when accessibility is limited

Equotip 550 UCI is well suited for applications where accessibility is limited, such as welds, HAZ, or difficult surface structures. UCI measurements are fast and easy. With the world premiere of our UCI probe with an adjustable test load from HV1 to HV10, a wide range of applications can be covered flexibly with a single probe for the first time.

Portable hardness tester EQUOTIP BAMBINO 2 unit D

  • according to DIN-ASTM-A-956-66 and ASTM-A-956-02
  • impact device with impact body D and integrated measuring electronics
  • large high-contrast LCD display
  • Revaluation in HB, HRB, HRC HV and HS (C and D)
  • automatic correction for impact direction
  • measurements possible in all directions (even overhead)
  • no data storage
  • USB interface for battery charging

EQUO Piccolo 2 portable hardness tester
Model D

  • according to ASTM-A-956-96 and ASTM-A-956-02
  • large high-contrast LCD display
  • transmission in HB, HRB, HRC, HV and HS (C and D)
  • transmission in N / mm² according to DIN 50150 edition 2000-10 
  • for unalloyed and low-alloy steels and cast steel (Appendix A, Table A1)
  • tempering steel hardened and untreaded tempered (Appendix B, Table B2 3)
  • automatic correction of impact direction
  • measurements possible in all directions (even overhead)
  • data memory for approx. 2000 measured values
  • USB interface for data transfer

Portable devices for non-destructive winding hardness testing

The Equotip 550 Leeb U enables the user to quickly and precisely diagnose roll imperfections, hardness inconsistencies and uneven winding, thereby preventing problems for printing and converting operations. Portable and lightweight, the Equotip 550 Leeb U is perfect for roll hardness testing in 
the warehouse or on the production floor,providing an immediate visual assessment of the hardness profile.

PaperSchmidt is the first rebound hammer designed specifically for roll hardness testing. A new measuring principle and a high compliance plunger provide unachieved roll-profiling accuracy and repeatability.
In addition to this it has an extended lifetime to cope with the heavy demands of the paper, film and foil industry and dedicated tools, such as pre-defined tolerances that make assessing a profile a simple matter.

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